Home » Cortinarius Mushrooms » Cortinarius hesleri

Cortinarius hesleri

This beautiful collection of Cortinarius hesleri was found in August under
oak and other hardwood trees. Growing gregariously. Cap is smooth. Stem is colored like the cap, somewhat lighter. Rusty brown spore print (as with all Cortinarius mushrooms.

Cap color has been described as Brazil Red (brownish red), Burnt
Sienna (cinnabar red, brownish red), Mars Orange (brownish orange) and
Orange Rufous to Xanthine Orange (reddish orange to brownish orange).
Cortinarius hesleri is named for Dr. L. R. Hesler, noted mycologist, former
Professor, and Chairman of the Botany Department and Dean of
the School of Liberal Arts, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.